Guest Lecture–Therapist Giselle Belanger, RN, LCSW–Dealing With Grief


Grief has many layers and stages. When it happens to us, we are often completely unprepared for the overwhelming feelings it brings. Join me in a discussion around grief and our experiences with it. My goal is to broaden your understanding of it, as well as validate your experiences with it. I will also touch […]

MXN120 – MXN150

IFC Home Tour

Our Ever-Popular Home Tours return! Three or Four unique homes shown each week, with transport on air conditioned coaches fully staffed by knowledgeable and friendly International Friendship Club Volunteers. A great time for a great cause--all net proceeds go to IFC charities! Departure from the Sea Monkey restaurant on the Malecon. Check in at 9:15am. […]

MXN $800 – MXN $960

Gentle Hatha Yoga

9:15-10:15 GENTLE HATHA YOGA 10:45-11:45 GENTLE CHAIR YOGA Yoga Space Vallarta, YSV, is an independent group practicing at the International Friendship Club. We ask a $120 Pesos, or more, donation at the start of each class period to cover our donations to the IFC and to support the work of YSV. More information about YSV […]


Mid-Week Meditation


New this season! Please join us for a midweek meditation break. The hour will be divided between guided meditation and a period of Q&A where practice questions related to meditation can be addressed. Osel Dan Grippo, ordained, with more than 20 years of Buddhist training, will be our guide. Yoga Space Vallarta, YSV, is an […]

Orientation to Vallarta Life

Vibrant Vallarta: Explore, Experience, Engage! An expert orientation to life in Puerto Vallarta. Join us to have all your Vallarta questions answered! FREE TO THE PUBLIC / Seating is limited. 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Join us at the IFC Clubhouse to discuss the ins and outs of life in Puerto Vallarta. Hosted by long-term […]

Spanish Classes


9:00-10:00 Intermediate I 10:10-11:10 Intermediate II 11:20-12:20 Advanced 12:30-1:30 Basic / Beginner IFC MEMBERS $120 pesos per class NON-IFC MEMBERS $150 pesos per class All tickets sold online at this link No cash sales at the office.

MXN120 – MXN150

Breakfast Taco Tour

THIS TACO TOUR IS SOLD OUT, BUT AN ADDITIONAL TOUR HAS BEEN ADDED ON JANUARY 23. Delicious breakfast taco walking tour. Thursday, January 9, 2025 9:30 to noon You’ll learn the history of tacos how they are prepared and eaten in Puerto Vallarta. We’ll visit up to five different taco spots in the central and […]

Colomitos Beach Hike

Happy New Year Happy Hikers! 1. WHO:  All of you who have confirmed.     WHAT: We will take a 45 minute bus ride to Boca de Tomatlán where our hike           will start.  This 45 minute hike has a few steep areas at the beginning but then         flattens out for […]

History Lecture with Dan Grippo


MIGRATIONS, EXPROPRIATIONS, DEPORTATIONS THE CONFLICTED HISTORY OF THE U.S. – MEXICO BORDERLANDS Dan Grippo, Ph.D., Latin American History At a time when the U.S. – Mexico Borderlands are experiencing unprecedented attention, we’ll look back in time and delve into the history of the region. In this eight-week lecture series, we’ll trace the territory’s conflicted and […]

MXN120 – MXN150

Social Bridge

Join us Fridays from 1:30-4:30pm (**Note the NEW TIME) for a friendly game of social bridge. Chicago style, 4 hands per table and then rotate. Bring your partner or come early to see if we can match you up with another single. 50 pesos for members / 100 pesos for guests. All tickets need to […]

MXN50 – MXN100

Social Hour at the IFC Clubhouse

IFC Clubhouse Main Room , Mexico

"Give meaning to "friendship." Meet up with old friends and make new, while enjoying your favorite snacks and beverages at the IFC Social Hour on Friday afternoons.  We're starting a half hour earlier than last season.  Now, 4:30-6:00.

Dine Around – Dinner – Siam Cocina Thai

The ever-popular IFC Dine Arounds continue... This week's restaurant is SIAM COCINA THAI This event is full. No more reservations are being taken. The address is 271 Francisco I Madero / Colonia Emiliano Zapata  at 6:00pm RSVP TO: Always remember to show your International Friendship Club Membership Club prior to ordering to receive your discount. […]

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