
member benefits

Why become a member of the International Friendship Club?    

  • Receive discounts of at least 10% from supporting RESTAURANTS AND MERCHANTS  *as of Spring 2025
  • Learn Spanish at the IFC for a 20% reduced rate
  • Learn Bridge (Mondays at 9 A.M.) and play Social Bridge (Fridays from 1:30-4:30 P.M.)at the IFC for the discount price of $50 pesos each (half off!).
  • Dine around. Join friends or make new ones Fridays as you share a P.V. dining experience 
  • Learn about Mexican history and culture at a reduced price through lectures and cultural enrichment programs
  • Engage in Yoga and Meditation at the IFC
  • Attend Social Events. Refer to the IFC CALENDAR and the News Ticker on our Home Page for all the latest offerings!

The greatest benefit is that funds raised by all these activities are given to our many charities* that help our Mexican neighbors, especially the children needing cleft palate surgeries.

Have fun and make friends while helping make life better for everyone in Puerto Vallarta.

social events & gatherings

Check the calendar for up-to-date info on special events.

Here are a couple of regular get-togethers:

 Friday Social Hours
Come and connect with friends at the Club house at 4:30 pm beginning in January. Familiarize yourself with our many charitable programs, meet other volunteers or just enjoy a good time.  You can also continue the fellowship by savoring a group dinner at a favorite downtown restaurant.

Dining Out (Dine Around)
After the Social Hour, enjoy dining at one of our preferred restaurants on various Friday nights @ 6:00. Groups are small. Pre-booking is essential.


We offer many personal enrichment programs at the IFC for a modest donation that helps support our charities and overhead.

  • Spanish classes are offered 3 days a week at four different skill levels
  • engaging lectures and seminars on Mexican history and culture, as well as many other timely topics
  • gentle yoga geared toward the mature student and any level of mobility
  • guided mindful meditation with occasional urban meditation retreats
  • weekly bridge lessons
  • afternoon social bridge (Bridge offers both intellectual and social stimulation and has been shown to improve mental acuity.)
  • special interest classes and workshops on cultural and artistic themes.

Our Enrichment Education Committee is always ready to hear your ideas for new programs, especially if those ideas are accompanied by a willingness to volunteer your time to help make them a reality!

You can contact the Enrichment Education Chair  dangrippo (at)

IFC Classes

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mailing list

Stay in touch with the International Friendship Club and don’t miss a single update about our charitable work and social activities.

We respect your privacy.