Spanish Classes
IFC CLUBHOUSE MAIN HALL9:00-10:00 Intermediate I 10:10-11:10 Intermediate II 11:20-12:20 Advanced 12:30-1:30 Basic / Beginner IFC MEMBERS $120 pesos per class NON-IFC MEMBERS $150 pesos per class All tickets sold online at this […]
9:00-10:00 Intermediate I 10:10-11:10 Intermediate II 11:20-12:20 Advanced 12:30-1:30 Basic / Beginner IFC MEMBERS $120 pesos per class NON-IFC MEMBERS $150 pesos per class All tickets sold online at this […]
Our Ever-Popular Home Tours return! Three or Four unique homes shown each week, with transport on air conditioned coaches fully staffed by knowledgeable and friendly International Friendship Club Volunteers. A […]
THE FUTURE OF FOOD Mark J. Poznansky, Ph.D., O.Ont. CM We do not eat the same food that our great grand parents ate nor will our great grand children eat […]
Yoga Space Vallarta, YSV, is an independent group practicing at the International Friendship Club. We ask a $150 Pesos, or more, donation at the start of each class period to […]
Our Ever-Popular Home Tours return! Three or Four unique homes shown each week, with transport on air conditioned coaches fully staffed by knowledgeable and friendly International Friendship Club Volunteers. A […]
New this season! Please join us for a midweek meditation break. The hour will be divided between guided meditation and a period of Q&A where practice questions related to meditation […]
9:00-10:00 Intermediate I 10:10-11:10 Intermediate II 11:20-12:20 Advanced 12:30-1:30 Basic / Beginner IFC MEMBERS $120 pesos per class NON-IFC MEMBERS $150 pesos per class All tickets sold online at this […]
Taught by Theresa and Chip, serious practitioners of Tai Chi for more than 20 years. Classes Monday and Thursday, 3:00pm to 4:30 pm during high season unless otherwise noted. IFC […]
Friday, February 7 Las Animas Beach Experienced hikers may join this hike from Boca to Las Animas Beach. Click here to purchase tickets. ($100 pesos)
MIGRATIONS, EXPROPRIATIONS, DEPORTATIONS THE CONFLICTED HISTORY OF THE U.S. – MEXICO BORDERLANDS Dan Grippo, Ph.D., Latin American History At a time when the U.S. – Mexico Borderlands are experiencing unprecedented […]
Join us Fridays from 1:30-4:30pm (**Note the NEW TIME) for a friendly game of social bridge. Chicago style, 4 hands per table and then rotate. Bring your partner or come […]
"Give meaning to "friendship." Meet up with old friends and make new, while enjoying your favorite snacks and beverages at the IFC Social Hour on Friday afternoons. We're starting a […]